Expense Tracker Pt. 6
Reading Chase files into a new class#
Time to continue the quest of managing bank data and reaching for the dream of good, private and fast budgeting. Following the pattern from earlier we’ll create a Checking
class. This data is structured similarly to the previous ones except with a missing category and the amounts for money coming in is positive and money coming out is negative. We defined transactions going on credit cards as positive and payments as negative. This is the other way around and we’ll keep it that way for now as it conceptually makes sense(money is weird). We’ll also establish column mappings to keep it consistent and pave the the way for other banks.
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
account_columns = {"chase":{"Posting Date":"posting_date", "Description":"description", "Type":"type", "Amount":"amount", "Balance":"remaining_balance"}}
account_mappings = { "chase": ["Posting Date", "Description", "Amount", "Type", "Balance"]}
class Checking:
def __init__(self, filePath, company):
self.fp = filePath
self.company = company
self.c_data = pd.DataFrame
Oopsie on the CSV’s#
Reading the Checking data had a hiccup. Upon reading the file, I had a few extra columns than needed and the data was in the wrong columns, messing up my formatting. Upon throwing the entire kitchen sink of pandas delimiters and quotechars, I looked at the CSV file one more time and realized THERE WAS AN EXTRA COMMA AT THE END!. Chase, if you are reading this, you seem to generate an extra comma in your CSV’s while exporting yearly data. I’ll see if this happens with regular statements but for now, I’ll just fix it myself.
Preprocess before the real preprocessing#
Now that we know the issue, we can read the file and strip the last comma.
def read_file(self):
# Read the file and clean it in memory
with open(self.fp, "r") as infile:
cleaned_lines = [line.rstrip(",\n") + "\n" for line in infile]
Now we can either save the file as a csv or read it in memory. I’d prefer to do the latter to avoid file creation on every statement. Since it’s a string we have to use StringIO to prepare the file-like object for pandas’ read_csv
cleaned_data = "\n".join(cleaned_lines)
cleaned_file = StringIO(cleaned_data)
Once that is complete, we’re cooking. We can parse the files the same as credit cards.
csv = pd.read_csv(self.fp)
print(csv["Posting Date"])
filtered_csv = csv[account_mappings[self.company]].copy()
filtered_csv.rename(columns=account_columns[self.company], inplace=True)
filtered_csv['posting_date'] = pd.to_datetime(filtered_csv['posting_date'],format="%m/%d/%Y")
filtered_csv['posting_date'] = filtered_csv['posting_date'].dt.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
self.c_data = filtered_csv
I went back to db.py
and created an insert function.
def insert_to_checking(self,checking_data):
if self.conn == None:
print("empty db connector")
return 1
if len(checking_data) > 0:
for index, row in checking_data.iterrows():
self.conn.execute(f"INSERT INTO Checking(posting_date, description, type, amount, remaining_balance) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", (row["posting_date"], row["description"], row["type"], row["amount"], row["remaining_balance"]))
return 0
print("Empty dataframe!")
return 1
To top it off, we’ll use main.py
to create it and we’re good to go!
ducky = db("mydb.duckdb")
chase = Checking("../stmts/Chase/Checking/2024.CSV", "chase")
Done, I now have checking data and credit card data loaded in DuckDB and I can query my files. Looking into the table now, I can get away with making a composite key with remaining_balance
. There will never be a 0.0 charge on the card and the odds of hitting the same balance again is very low. If you ever do see a 0 cent charge, email me but call your bank first!